I am a Postdoctoral Researcher at Meta AI (FAIR), working with Yann LeCun. Prior to this, I was a Ph.D. candidate at Tel Aviv University and UC Berkeley, where I was advised by Amir Globerson and Trevor Darrell.
My goal is to teach computers to perceive, reason, and act in the world from visual data, using little to no supervision. I've pioneered AI for medical imaging as an AI Research Lead at Zebra Medical Vision (acquired). My research team developed multiple FDA cleared algorithms for automatic analysis of medical images (e.g, [1, 2]).
If you are a student interested in collaborating on research projects or looking for advice, please reach out.
We introduce Action Graphs, a structure that can better capture the compositional and hierrchical nature of actions. We propose a goal-oriented video synthesis task of *Action Graph to Video*
We show that recurrent neural networks can be trained to generate text with GANs from scratch and vastly improve the quality of generated sequences compared to a convolutional baseline.
Methods for identifying patients at high risk for osteoporotic fractures are underutilized. We demonstrate it is feasibile to automatically evaluate risk based on routine abdomen or chest computed tomography (CT) scan.
Intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) is among the most critical and timesensitive findings to be detected on Head CT. We present a new architecture designed for optimal triaging of Head CTs, with the goal of decreasing the time from CT acquisition to accurate ICH detection. These results are comparable to previously reported results with smaller number of tagged studies.
Osteoporosis is an underdiagnosed condition despite effective screening modalities. The purpose of this study was to describe a method to simulate lumbar DEXA scores from routinely acquired CT studies using a machine-learning algorithm.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. We apply deep learning algorithm to detect those at risk.
The presence of a vertebral compression fracture is highly indicative of osteoporosis and represents the single most robust predictor for development of a second osteoporotic fracture in the spine or elsewhere. We present an automated method for detecting spine compression fractures in Computed Tomography (CT) scans.
Systems and methods for automated detection of visual objects in medical images. US Patent 11,776,243
Cross modality training of machine learning models. US Patent 11,587,228.
Identification of a contrast phase depicted in a medical image. US Patent 11,727,087